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Circus And Carnival Licence

Application Form

Municipal Code 567 Click Here To Read By-law

The following must be provided prior to licensing approval.

  1. Certificate of Insurance certifying that public liaiblity insurance in an amount of not less than $5,000,000 is in force for the event The City of Woodstock shall be an additional insured named in any policy issued to provide public coverage and no such policy shall be cancelled or varied without notice to the City of Woodstock.

  2. Bond in the form of Cash or Certified Cheque for a minimum of $500

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Required for Carnival and Midway Event(s) licensing.

  1. A current Ride Operator's Licence from the Technical Standards Safety Authority (TSSA);

  2. A list of all of the devices to be operated at the event; and

  3. current permit for each device to be operated and a copy of the last inspection certificate from Technical Standards Safety Authority (TSSA).

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The licensee hereby certifies that:

  1. No person shall operate a carnival, midway or circus in the City of Woodstock without first having obtained a certificate of insurance
  2. The City of Woodstock shall be an additional insured named in any policy issued to provide public coverage and no such policy shall be cancelled or varied without notice to the City of Woodstock;
  3. No person shall operate a carnival, midway or circus in the City of Woodstock unless or until there has been deposited with the City a bond in the form of cash or certified cheque in the amount of at least $500.00. Such bond may be held by the City for a period of fifteen days after completion of the event and may be used by the City to rectify damage or undertake cleanup caused by the event.
  4. The licensee shall keep the area being utilized for an event and the surrounding area in a clean and tidy condition and clear of any hazard to the public;
  5. In the event of accident or mishap arising out of the operation of any carnival ride or like contrivance and causing personal injury, the ride or contrivance shall not be operated until an investigation has been made by the Technical Standards Safety Authority and/or any other body with jurisdiction and authority to re-operate has been provided to the City of Woodstock by the jurisdictional body.

Dumping of Wastewater

Pursuant to the provision of the City of Woodstock Municipal Code Chapter 617, no person shall discharge wastewater directly into the storm water system. Any person who contravenes the provisions of Municipal Code Chapter 617 is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine as provided in the Provincial Offences Act.

Wastewater may be disposed of at the following location:

Woodstock Water Pollution Control Plant located at 195 Admiral Street

I hereby certify that I have read and understand the information contained in this application. I further certify that the information contained in this application is true and I agree that I will abide by all of the provisions of the City of Woodstock Municipal Code Section 567 and amendments thereto and any other applicable municipal regulations that may apply to the operation of an Circus and Carnival Licence. The fee has been submitted with this application.

Issuance of this licence maybe subject to the following department approvals:

Chief Building Official                   Fire Department                       City Clerk

Notice of Collection

Personal information contained on this form is collected by the Corporation of Woodstock under the authority of the Municipal Act and will be used by the City in making decisions on this Circus and Carnival Licence. Questions about the collection of this information may be made to the City Clerk, 500 Dundas Street, P.O. Box 1539, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 0A7, or by telephoning 519-539-2382 ext. 2500, during business hours.

Contact Us

© 2017 City of Woodstock P.O. Box 1539, 500 Dundas Street, Woodstock, ON N4S 0A7


Phone: 519-539-1291
Email: General Information

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