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Taxi/Limousine Broker

Application Form

Municipal Code 643

Click here to read the by-law

General Information

Are you a new applicant

A criminal records check will need to be provided. Vulnerable Sector Check is required for new applications. (Checks are to be obtained from your local Police Station - valid for a year from date of issue.


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The items requested below will need to be attached to the applicaton for it to be processed. All documentation will need to be received prior to a business licence being issused.


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If a vehicle is owned by a person who is not an owner of the business, written proof must be provided from the owner of the vehicle that the vehicle will be used as part of the business along with a copy of a valid passenger vehicle permit, issued by the Ministry of Transportation, proof of insurance and a current vehicle safety.


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The licensee hereby certifies to:

  1. having authority to sign on behalf of the aforementioned business;
  2. provide the necessary documentation to obtain a Broker’s Licence;
  3. advise the Corporation of any change in a driver’s licence status
  4. advise of any change in vehicles, within forty-eight (48) hours, to the City of the replacement vehicle or surrender the licence in respect of such vehicle;
  5. ensure that daily trip records are accurately completed, filed and are made available to the Corporation if requested which prove that each licensed vehicle was in operation for a minimum of one hundred and twenty (120) hours during any thirty (30) day period unless there is an acceptable reason provided to the City Clerk or designate;
  6. ensure that the fares charged are consistent with the Chapter requirements;
  7. advise of any address change;
  8. comply with the provisions of this Chapter and its amendments;
  9. keep the vehicles in good repair and clean;
  10. provide a minimum of five taxi;
  11. provide a dispatch service which operates twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week;
  12. retain records of all calls received or dispatched giving date, time, origin, vehicle licence number and driver;
  13. retain the records in an orderly manner filed by date, for twelve (12) months, and ensure they will be open to inspection by the City Clerk or designate or a by-law enforcement officer;
  14. prominently display on the rear exterior of the taxi-limousine the numbered metal licence plate provided by the City;
  15. ensure each licensed vehicle has an illuminated sign on the roof of the taxi stating that it is a taxi.
  16. ensure that each licensed vehicle, while on duty, has a “No Smoking” sign posted in a prominent place within the vehicle

I hereby certify that I have read and understand the information contained in this application. I further certify that the information contained in this application is true and I agree that I will abide by all of the provisions of the City of Woodstock Municipal Code Section 643 and amendments thereto and any other applicable municipal regulations that may apply to the operation of a Taxi/Limousine Broker’s Licence. The licence fee has been submitted with this application.

This licence is granted for one year from February 15th in the current year and expires on the 15th of February one year after issue or sooner if the licence is revoked.

Issuance of this licence is subject to the following department approvals:

Chief Building Official                   City Clerk                  Police Department

Notice of Collection

Personal information contained on this form is collected by the Corporation of Woodstock under the authority of the Municipal Act and will be used by the City in making decisions on this Taxi/Limousine Broker’s Licence. Questions about the collection of this information may be made to the City Clerk, 500 Dundas Street, P.O. Box 1539, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 0A7, or by telephoning 519-539-2382 ext. 2500, during business

Contact Us

© 2017 City of Woodstock P.O. Box 1539, 500 Dundas Street, Woodstock, ON N4S 0A7


Phone: 519-539-1291
Email: General Information

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