Terms and Conditions
1. The Woodstock Museum NHS reserves the right to determine which artifacts and research materials may be reproduced, and by what method.
2. Materials are provided for one-time use only, unless otherwise stated and agreed to by museum staff, the format of which will be at the discretion of museum staff. One-time use means; that requester agrees to only use the image(s) for one use, i.e. for research, a book, a web-site, an article, etc. The party can not reproduce the image(s) for any other parties or for their own separate projects.
3. Permission for reproduction must be specifically requested, in writing, and must be approved by museum staff according to the Reproduction Request Form.
4. The curator will review the fees set for reproduction on an annual basis.
5. The Woodstock Museum NHS will not reproduce any materials that they do not have copyright for as stated in the Copyright Act.
6. Reproduction does not convey or transfer copyright from the Woodstock Museum NHS to the requestor.
7. Any reproductions that are granted to the requester come under the auspices of the Copyright Act and are the responsibility of the researcher/requestor under those terms.
8. Any reproductions from the Permanent Collection of the Woodstock Museum NHS are to be credited to the Woodstock Museum NHS. Acknowledgement should be as follows: “Courtesy of the Woodstock Museum NHS.”
9. Reproduction fees are according to the established scale, and all reproductions must be paid for. Reproductions of material cannot be returned for credit.
10. Reproductions requested and approved of via email, fax or letter for research purposes, must be pre-paid before being released.
11. Researchers are not allowed to copy material with their own cameras or other equipment without permission by museum staff.
12. Reproduction materials will not be altered or retouched in any way that would alter their historic or artistic integrity.